Monday, August 29, 2005


do hypocrites know they are hypocrites?

and are hypocrites hypocrites by choice?

to hypocrites, consciously or not, be honoured that i've got a post entirely for you.
now fuck off. i mean it.

vane farted at 8:17 PM

Sunday, August 28, 2005

atheist in training

***Reader disgression encouraged***

I have once again decided to ponder upon the "meaning of life", and the way humans were "created to be". I've got enough of "God didnt make us to be like this like that." I've always raised an eyebrow to that comment, and now, i've finally figured out why.

Look. (read. listen, whatever). Human beings discovered everything that is existent as of now. Which means human beings essentially developed the way we are now., and whatever what nots. Evolution. That's the key. If human beings were not "created" to have homosexuality tendencies, where did that come from? Please dont tell me it fell from the sky. But if you tell me it's the doings of Satan, i might just agree. For the sake of opposing God (I mean the Christian God. It is perhaps the only God/religion i know/seen enough to oppose). But as I was saying, everything that we are now -- is innate (of human beings and not god-given you religious fool).

"Sins" are developed because they are part of us. They cant just be developed from out of the blue. There MUST be something in us that led to that. I may not be very fond of the scientific proofs, but at least it is tangible, though it sort of reduces us to just ...chemicals. Homosexuality may be the result of an imbalance of hormones. Yes, i believe in that. And yes, i do believe we evolved from Orang Utans. Or was it gorillas? Oh, the ape right? Yes. And that explains the animalistic characteristics we have, which is NOT developed. Look at the bloody fucking way we fuck each other. Utterly barbaric. All that sensous thingy is just Hollywood. (although i'd like to believe in it. nice imagery.)

[i'm trying very hard here not to attribute anything to god and still make sense to you, so please tolerate my inarticulate-ness.]

Greed, Sloth, Lust, Deceit?(ok, i dont know the seven sins. simply because they dont apply to me.) May i know why are they sins? Really. WHY?? They are human characteristics (look, we're not Adam and Eve. Get it out of your mind NOW. They are fictional characters). If human beings werent greedy, we wouldnt have invented so much crap. And because of greed, deceit and whatever else develops. Look, it's related! It's INNATE. It just needed a stimulant. Lust, its just because we have different sexual organs, and we're curious and attracted to them SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE COVERED UP. Here i must make a reference to The Country Wife by Wycherley something. It's an amazingly timeless and true piece of art. It says that the more you try to cover up something, the more people will be curious about it and hence want to try it out. Or explore it. Whichever. Sloth, came about because human beings just created too much work for human beings.

In case you havent realised, I am actually quite for the idea of going back to stone age. Nice and pure. No restrictions. We can just have barbaric sex everyday and we wont be labelled "LUSTY".

Anyway, i've lost my train of thoughts looking at nipple piercing pictures. I hope you guys get what my message is. Sorry if i offended anybody. It's just MY point of view, though i admit i am trying to impose this view on you guys. But you chose to read this. Your fault! *points*! hah.

Religion is all psychological. Defeat that and you emerge stronger. I respect whose ever decision to turn to a higher power, but i do hope that you'll stop preaching crap to me and look at the real world which is staring at you in the face. With that said, i'd like to end of with this:

Atheism is not a belief. Dont look at it as if it's a religion. It's the truth--the way of life.

People define atheism as not believing in the existence of god, but instead, that the world is just a bunch of atoms and molecules.

I would look upon that as just a guideline. Seriously. If atheism has restrictions to its belief, it becomes a religion.

I seem to have gained enlightenment. HAH.
piercings and tattoos, and no fucking restrictions,

vane farted at 7:15 PM

Friday, August 26, 2005

my opium is seized.

vane farted at 2:27 AM

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Traditionalist? cont'd..

I've decided: When i get married (IF would be a better word for WHEN, but i'll just use WHEN for the optimism), I'm going to tattoo my ring finger with some sort of a mark. This way, we'll never get divorced. HAH. Thanks desiree for putting that thought into my head.

By the way, just to clear some things up.. i AM going to have lots of pre marital sex. And if my husband cant really satisfy me (HMM?), i might just turn to male prostitutes. Using a condom. Because a condom means i dont get aids, and not another man's dick can enter my vagina. As in directly. haha. i'm mad.

OH. And i need to say this. MEN who are reading this: you DO know your scrotums are hanging out because they need to cool down right?
(Dont you think that's rather funny and pathetic??? haha. sorry. not a feminist thou. just found it amusing.)

nose ring and prozac nation,

vane farted at 7:56 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2005


"4000 Singaporeans file for a divorce EACH YEAR"

(ok, i dont have the exact quote cos i have to register for the straits times online to access the article. And that's just a waste of my time, albeit my newspaper is 2 levels down.)

Anyway, I never thought that the situation was THATT bad. It simply never struck me that we Singaporeans, are losing so much of our "Asian roots", and succumbing to (irritating) "Western values".

I am a traditionalist -- one that keeps closely in mind my roots, while accepting modern views. I believe in moving on (explains my piercings??). But i strongly believe that one must not forget our roots. Simply because, if everyone does so, in 1000 years' time, everyone will be the same. No more cultural exchange, no more different views, no more difference. HOW BORING IS THAT!?!?!

[This may be a little contrived and ironic cos I, personally cant engage in an 'intellectual' conversation in mandarin. And I must say I'm rather westernised. BUT, i do regret this!!! Then again, regretting, and doing something about it are totally different issues that are closely linked. Perhaps i'm just being stupid.]

Back to the issue of marriage. I personally, cant really get along with guys (simply because of a mental barrier that i just cant destroy -- as of now i hope). [note: 'get along'= be best friends with, and go out shopping together.] Even so, I do wish to get married, although i REALLY hate being tied down. But because i strongly believe that marriage is a rite of passage/ stage of life that one must go through, if not, life is just not complete. This may be rather cynical, thinking that marriage is somewhat 'compulsory' instead of something to do with emotions, namely Love. (i type the word, with much hesitation.)

[Love to me, is something sacred and precious. It is not given. I believe in it's sacredness, but I dont believe it exists. Or perhaps, it simply doesnt exist for me -- as of now, i hope. I believe in letting Love go undefined. I believe in it's magical existence. I am naive.]

The opposite of Marriage is not Divorce.

Marriage is a ceremony that should be given full respect. Marriage the package, includes simply, living life to the fullest with your spouse and children, going through problems together, facing affairs with objectiveness, and bringing that dying spark back into both your lives. By filing for a divorce, it's as good as simplifying and diminishing the power of marriage. Divorce is not just the breaking of a bond, that's signed on black and white. Divorce, is a blasphemy.

Marriage is not a two person thing. Divorce is.

Here, I'll like to elaborate on my idea of Marriage.
It starts of with Love. Hot passionate sex. Adrenaline rushes. Orgasms.
Then, it evolves slowly, into a mundane life consisting of work, meeting with clients, putting up with colleagues, and dying to shoot up the ladder.
A child, may now come into the picture. A child-- most probably by accident, from a night of comfort sex.
Mother goes through post natal depression; father goes through monetary problems.
Mother continues to face post natal depression (which now includes obesity); father turns to prostitutes (or simply a hot chick that he met at a pub/ at work).


Note: Extra Marital Affair (EMA)
My remedy for this? Just let your hubby fuck another woman. You KNOW it's not Love. It's lust. It's comfort sex with a hot babe. After a while, he'll definitely get sick of her because there simply isnt any future with that bitch. But you dont just leave it as that, my dear. It IS, your fault, to a large extent for his straying. (Yes, by saying this, I'm believing strongly that the women's mind is much more powerful than the men's. To guys out there, this may not necessarily be good. It screws up our happiness, you realise.) Girls, you know, I somehow believe that it's not our cunt that a man is all googoo gaga about. You know that. There're much more that we can do for our man than just sex. Really. He married you for something else. If he just wants sex, he'll go to Geylang. Just work on that "something else". I am quite sure, you know I'm talking about. (Yes, i admit, i dont know what that "something else" is exactly. You realise, i'm single. Have been so, for approx 18years. Dont you dare pity me now.)

The person you have hot HOT passionate (raunchy maybe?) sex with, is not the person you will marry.

Continuing, after this EMA, there's a greater life out there.
Kids, more kids.
Watch them grow up--it's simply magical.
You reaching different areas of your career, not necessarily higher in rank. Rank is not as interesting as something different. Really.
Your kids grow wings and fly off.
You finally get your private life with your man.
Here, your life just started a new chapter--definitely not the last.

Alright. I am going to stop here. I wonder how convincing i am. After all, i'm only 17. I might just laugh at this entry 10 years down the road of life. But as of now, this is what i truly believe in. Perhaps, i havent really touched the topic of divorce. Perhaps, i havent fully understood the concept of marriage. I.e., what i've just wrote, may seem naive and immature. But by believing, it may just happen.

I wonder, if i have what it takes to be a marriage/family counsellor. I will definitely dabble in it in some part of my life.

Theatre too. I'm quite convinced, that i really hate money. Or rather, the way money affects my life. Disgusting. Anyhow, i'm going to embark on a mission to convince my parents to let me major in theatre in the states. Bless me.

Passion and Believe.

cheers to marriage and life,
carpe diem.

vane farted at 8:43 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Ecstasy, from the Greek ekstasis, to be outside oneself, is a category of trance or trancelike states in which an individual transcends ordinary consciousness and as a result has a heightened capacity for exceptional thought or experience. These may include profound emotional feeling, intense concentration on a specific task, extraordinary physical abilities, and especially awareness of non-ordinary mental spaces, which may be perceived as spiritual (the latter type of ecstasy often takes the form of religious ecstasy). This heightened capacity is typically accompanied by diminished awareness of some other matters. For instance, if one is concentrating on a physical task, then one might cease to be aware of any intellectual thoughts. On the other hand, making a spirit journey in an ecstatic trance involves the cessation of voluntary bodily movement.

Achieving ecstatic trances is a major activity of shamans, who use ecstasy for such purposes as travelling to heaven or the underworld, guiding or otherwise interacting with spirits, clairvoyance, and healing. Some shamans use drugs from such plants as peyote and cannabis in their attempts to reach ecstasy, while others rely on such non-chemical means as ritual, music, dance, ascetic practices, or visual designs as aids to mental discipline. The rituals followed by some athletes in preparing for contests are dismissed as superstition, but this is a device of sports psychologists to help them to attain an ecstasy-like state.

In Christianity, the trance experiences of the Apostles Peter and Paul are recorded in Acts 10:10, 11:5 and 22:17.

In Buddhism espicially in the Pali Canon there are 8 states of trance also called absorption. The first four of these states are called Rupa or materially oriented. The next four are called Arupa or non-material. These eight states are preliminary trances which lead up to final saturation which upon return to the phenomenal world manifests as enlightenment.

It takes great effort, years of sustained meditation, to reach even the first absorption when the meditator characteristically notices the sustained lucidity of a non-material light enveloping him/her.

'tis an amazing state of mind.

vane farted at 10:39 PM

Saturday, August 06, 2005


i need to rant i need to rant I FUCKING NEED TO RANTTTT!!!

i just need to list all the piercings i want if not i'll lose track and i'll be DAMN SAD!!!!!
i want a rook piercing
a conch piercing
a daith piercing
for my ears.

i want an eyebrow piercing paired with an anti eyebrow piercing
a monroe piercing
a lower labret piercing
and a nose ring
for my face.

and when my navel ring gets ejected, i wanna get an inverse navel piercing.

the piercings that i would REALLY get if not for the supposed consequences are..
eyelid piercing (yes)
nipple piercings (if not for its uselessness)
and tongue piercing (if it doesnt affect my tastebuds!!!!!)

lets say each piercing costs about S$60.. i'll be DEAD BROKE.

what a stupid addiction.
but i'm already addicted.

the state of ecstasy is amazing.

vane farted at 12:50 AM