Monday, July 30, 2007

You are Strength

Courage, strength, fortitude. Power not arrested in the act of judgement, but passing on to further action, sometimes obstinacy.

This is a card of courage and energy. It represents both the Lion's hot, roaring energy, and the Maiden's steadfast will. The innocent Maiden is unafraid, undaunted, and indomitable. In some cards she opens the lion's mouth, in others she shuts it. Either way, she proves that inner strength is more powerful than raw physical strength. That forces can be controlled and used to score a victory is very close to the message of the Chariot, which might be why, in some decks, it is Justice that is card 8 instead of Strength. With strength you can control not only the situation, but yourself. It is a card about anger and impulse management, about creative answers, leadership and maintaining one's personal honor. It can also stand for a steadfast friend.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

I think this card is better.

Anyway, for my loyal readers, you will realise there a CHANGE. Viola. But it's a work a progress. Please pardon the misfit of the background. I will figure a way to fix it if i'm not lazy.

Otherwise, check back in a week for a proper update. :D

vane farted at 1:32 AM

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Haha. First, it was the fortune teller who told me I will have good fortune. Then here comes the tarot cards. Thank god it didnt tell me I'll be in business. For I would have thrown my computer out the window.

The new goo goo dolls song is gorgeous. :)

vane farted at 10:04 PM

Friday, July 06, 2007

'What will your obituary say?' at

Hah hah. Just so you guys know, I'm back. :)

vane farted at 5:43 PM