Sunday, July 16, 2006

My dad once said, "Singapore is a country where, wherever you throw a stone, you'll hit a degree holder. And one in ten is a Masters holder."

Yet. With such well-educated people populating the country, nobody seems to understand the very simple two words: "KEEP LEFT".

I bet the lines: "Please allow passengers to alight first," and "Please give your seats to someone who needs it more," MUST baffle them so badly such that they'll get a throbbing headache and whatever reaches their sensory nerves will blur causing them multiple spasms that make their extremities extremely heavy and inmobile and that they'll probably seek inner peace through facing the computer screen to finish another report using the same brain that achieved a degree or even a masters. OH. And then they'll most probably blame the smokers for emitting poisonous second hand fumes that erodes their extremely intellectual brains (that dont understand simple words "KEEP LEFT") such that all they can be bothered to do is write into the newspapers to say how second hand smoke is unhealthy for everyone and therefore should be banned or else their brains will disintegrate and the economy will collapse as nobody can work anymore, because of second hand smoke. AND, teenagers or even generally people who smoke and do tattoos and piercings will then become the bane of society and when we KEEP FUCKING LEFT people simply stare at our body modifications and ponder upon our "alternate" lifestyle and totally ignore the bare fact that we are KEEPING FUCKING LEFT and we may not be your "ordinary" and "normal" citizens of the country because concentrating on our "difference" gives you the excuse of not noticing that we are KEEPING. FUCKING. LEFT.

Yes. I'm goddamnit fucking pissed.

Did I mention I really hate the human race?

vane farted at 10:43 PM