I have a teeny weeny micro wee bit of chance that I might just be able to change courses. All I need to do now is convince my dad and convince the department to let me change courses. It's mad I know, afterall I'm 11 weeks into term. But let me just hold on for a little while more. Next tuesday will be judgement day.
I just need someone to stand beside me... just a wee bit more... just a little more... ...

"i'm skating on thin ice and i know it... if i have to wait tables, clear garbage and shit, you know i'll do it." - liting.
I just need someone to make sure that what I'm doing is all worthwhile.
I just realised how meaningful Stefanie Sun's songs are. And it's all jie hui's fault that I'm listening to chinese songs and youtube. aRGH.
A matter of choice.
I just need to hear some opinions. Honest ones.
My aunt told me that sometime in the past year, I made a choice. I made a choice to study economics, whether consciously or subconsciously. And therefore, I don't have the right to go back on "my words". Whining about school and being totally unmotivated is just a sign of immaturity and irresponsibility.
My question is, then, what do you classify as a "choice". (I promise you this is not as philosophical as it sounds.) Did I have a variety of options to choose from? My range of choice were as such: Psychology, English, Theatre Studies, and other soft sciences. My dad's range of choice were as such: Accounting and Finance, Law, Business, Economics. There is OBVIOUSLY a clash in interests. I made a choice out of my range of choices -- do you consider that a choice? If you were forced to make a choice, can you be liable for it?
I feel like I'm going to lose this debate. Or I've probably lost it already. As tempted as I am to go on about how fucked up my dad is, I shant. It just shows that I'm desperate to prove myself right. Which I am. But I want to make it sound convincing. And now's probably not the time.
I've spent so much effort trying to convince myself that I should just grit my teeth and get fucking on with this. But everytime my dad "talks" to me, he just makes me hate him more, and hate the situation I'm in. wtf..
"This is damn unfair, don't you think. Do you know how hard it is for people to find something they love? Everyone should be given a right to pursue whatever they love, no matter how ridiculous, and no matter how clueless they are."-Rohana, Sep 2005