Monday, April 06, 2009


I have never been the social butterfly, as most of you know. Sure, I can talk to people I've met for the first time if introduced, but I don't normally bring the relationship any further. I am not the kind who has a thousand friends on facebook and I don't normally make a huge effort to put myself out there and "make" friends (macium add some flour, eggs, water and viola).

I suck at making "proper" friends. I kinda suck at keeping them as well. But those people whom I like and can talk to, I normally make an effort to keep them in my life. (This is probably not a situation unique to me, but I'd thought I'd say this just to make things clear about where I stand.)

SO. It kinda sucks when people whom you thought of as important people decides to walk away (dusting their bums or whatever). I've made about.. 5 or 6 good friends ever since coming to Uni, and have probably lost about 2 or 3. No, I didn't offend them, or insult them, or neglect them. They just chose to walk right out on me. Reason? Well, at least for two of them, I believe, it's because they've found "new" friends. And as the saying goes, out with the old, in with the new. It really kinda sucks. It's almost like a slap in the face saying, you're fucking shit, I'm gonna go play with people 10 times more fun and entertaining than you are (given how I enjoy being an entertainer, this is probably the greatest insult).

Seriously mannn.. I had to invite myself over to their places. I asked one of them out continuously. And all I get is, sorry, busy. sorry, busy. or quite simply, the cold shoulder. It was his birthday yesterday, and me and his other friend wanted to celebrate with him. Birthday boy asked for suggestions as to where to go, and I happily gave him some options - chill at his place, head to a pub in the town we live in, or go to a strip club (uh huh). And the reply I got was "errr i'm staying in coventry (the other town which is an hour away from the town we live in)today.. so leamington will be out of the question".

Blah.. I knew he had this new group of friends -- he has ditched me and his other mate countless times to go play with them. But I thought we could all celebrate at his house and we could all finally meet, but no. I asked him since a week before his birthday what he was gonna do -- and all i get is "i'm going to sit on the toilet bowl". And I thought the friendship we had was better than that.

I could go on ranting about the countless times he said he wanted to do something with me and then at the last minute, ran off to his other group of friends. Said he wanted to jam with me -- ran off with his friends. Said he wanted to go see some live music -- got pissed and was too hungover to remember our "date".

He's not the only one. It's just that this happened today so I rant about it. It seems like the internet really doesnt do justice to trying to keep friendships either. Tried talking to some good friends on the internet, but I generally get half hearted responses, and an "so-and-so is offline" without so much as a "bye bye".

Man, how easy is it to put aside friendships? I guess the next time they turn around I'll probably no longer be there anymore.

If you think I'm talking about you, then start talking to me or I'll find some new playmates, even if they have to be imaginary.

vane farted at 7:59 AM