Thursday, February 08, 2007

In liew of the Christian Union (CU) campaign in my school over the past week, I shall make a comment. As did many people who published their opinions in my school's weekly newspaper. I promise that I shall not make any senseless slammings and ignorant comments. Promise k.

Anyway, the tag line for the campaign was "Are You Satisfied?". The answer given by the CU was simply "God". All our "misery" and "sufferings" of life to be solved under the ever-so-powerful three-letter-word. One of the issues brought up by one of the writers was that of sexuality. Anti gay-sex, anti pre-marital sex, anti, well, sex really. And all these simply because "the Bible contains explicit social (and sexual) instuction." This really bugged me. This writer was particularly concerned about kindness. Kindness towards people, people with different sexual orientations, people who have pre-marital sex and have abortions. Given such "instructions" in the Bible, is it possible to be sincerely kind to these people?

"Being kind to those you know isn't enough; to be kind and reasonable to all, you cannot have a theology controlling your actions."

Well, enough said. Religion is a tiresome and possibly outdated topic. I leave it up to one word - choice. Point is, don't simplify life's problems. Don't let the words "fill the void in your life with God" escape your mouth so goddamnit easily. And most importantly, be kind to all humankind, or you will not welcomed into anywhere near 1000miles around me.

"I have met plenty of satisfied atheists and plenty of unsatisfied Christians in my time, for the simple reason that religion is not a magic band aid."

Anyway. The Tate Gallery in London recently spent GDP22300 on 90 cans of shit from an artist, that exploded due to expanding gases in the gallery. HAH.

vane farted at 12:32 AM