Monday, December 25, 2006

"Excuse me, excuse me..? Do you have one pound?" He mouthed the words to me. Really softly. He asked me very weakly, as I was paying for my DVD.

I was stiff. I didnt quite know what to do. I've always have a soft spot for beggars (I use this word very scientifically), and I always try to drop them a couple of pennies if my wallet is within reach. But there was something about his look that made me stiff all over, and all I could manage was somewhat a shake of my head. And he mouthed again, "No..?" I looked away. And he left.

I was so guilty after that. He begged me. I have always admired beggars for their ability to humble themselves. As compared to theives. Although of course there are those beggars who demand for money like they're king.

If I'm not wrong, there's a law in Singapore against beggars. Correct me if I'm mistaken. This move has somewhat made me unable to react sanely when I meet a beggar. Inside me, I just go hysterical as to why these people are begging. Some of them are seriously young. Like the man who approached me earlier on this morning. My parents have always told me to just ignore them. Because if you donate to one of them, the rest will flock to you. My aunt tells me that they're lying and you should just shake your head and walk away. And that we dont print money. Same thing with the buskers in Barcelona. I wanted to give them all one euro or fifty euro cents. But my aunt just pulls me away. Why??? I mean, I admit I come from a financially comfortable background, so what would those few dollars do? Afterall, those buskers made me smile and laugh. The beggars, well, they made me feel sorry for the state they're in. I mean, if I could give them some hope in humankind, and some hope for their future, and some hope they could retire from the streets, why not?

Yea I know I'm no Santa Claus or Robin Hood. But if there's one power I want, it is the power to make people smile. Yea I know, how cliche. One busker in Barcelona, who dressed up as Charlie Chaplin, had a placard by his box, and it says "A day without a smile is a lost day." And indeed, he made his massive audience, smile and laugh. It's truly a gift! Not so much having the ability to solve mathematical sums. Nor being able to talk politics and cite history. It's just the ability to toss your hat and have it land perfectly on your head. And well, many more.

The young beggar's face really haunts me. If possible, I'll go up to him and apologize. Drop him a pound, and wish he'd find a job. Heh. How noble. But HONESTLY. If only I can brainwash that rich Russian tycoon who's selling VODKA, or Bill Gates to give up half their fortunes. I suppose such help is given, but not quite enough.

But one thing for sure, I wish that the world did not expose Africa to the world. I mean, ignorance is bliss. Whoever said that they wanted clothes to wear and shoes to walk on? Whoever took those photos of the skinny kids with the forelorn faces? I bet they're really happy in their villages, away from the rest of the world. Away from civilisation and industrialisation and globalisation. Screw the sations.

O' Merry Christmas.

London is dead.


vane farted at 7:00 AM