Friday, October 06, 2006


The Way to Getting Drunk:
Mix drinks. Have 2 shots of Brandy, Bailey's, Vodka, then 2 pints of beer, then one glass of red wine. Down everything and within two hours you'll be sprawling on the floor. And give it another 15 minutes and you'll start puking like mad.

Important note: One, Tendency to roll on the floor is really strong, so never wear mini skirts unless you are giving out invites to your pussy. Two, Tendency to start kissing people is really high, SO, please make sure the party you're kissing is equally drunk and will probably not mind sharing bodily liquids. Third, ALWAYS hang out with people who get pissed drunk themselves. (It felt great that everyone around me were laughing at me rather than getting pissed at me and my drunkeness. Not that I will continue this behaviour, but really. It felt good.)

The Receipe to the Perfect British Accent:
1. Never pronounce your "t"s. End it of with a silent throat sound.
2. Pronounce all your "a"s with a deeper "o" sound.
3. Speak really fast, with a slight tendency to mumble.
4. Most of the time, speak as if you have a fat tongue.
5. (Optional) Top it off with great blue eyes and pants hanging down half your arse.

Btw, my webcam MIRACULOUSLY came to life. 3 weeks of it being mysteriously "unplugged" despite it being "built in", it finally got "found" by my laptop and now it's working perfectly fine. I swear it's the weirdest thing. So well, yea, request webcam on msn if you please. Although I seriously look the same. But you can take a peep at my room. :D

As of now, wish me luck with me surviving university. ciao.

nene with a bit of british accent and who is suffering from the incurable and extremely terminal "maths and econs" disease.

vane farted at 6:31 AM