Saturday, March 05, 2005


current obsession: miming and losing weight. sigh
current song: emimen's Mocking Bird and definitely still jLo's Get Right


yes. that's my chinese results.
disappointed? definitely.
accepted? definitely.
retaking? doubt.

(oh god i really cannot stand your face when you show off whatever you do and take pride in)

viv says nene has cellulite.
viv says it wasnt so bad last time.
guess i've really grown fatter. if i dont watch it, i'll hit a MASSIVE 55kg soon. oh for god's sake, NENE STOP EATING!!!! (all irony intended)

missed dance class today
took bus late
didnt know where to stop
overshot stop
got lost
missed class
got 1 demerit point
wondered around finding buses
went esplanade to get charlie chaplin videos and mime books
left wallet AND handphone on shelf
totally forgot about it
lucky i wanted to borrow my stuff and i realised they're missing
run back to shelf
run to counter
there it is.
thank god
(or rather, the person who returned it to the counter)
took 56 home cos didnt want to walk to mrt
took 45mins
and another 15mins to walk home
decided to make my day better
wanted to buy gold hoop earrings from j8 that are only $2.80
but i only had $1.50 on me
times like this i wished i had money to take cab and money to calm myself down.
nets would be really cool
reached home to spill orange juice all over me *exaggerated*
and face the fact that i have showing tmr morning at 830 with NOTHING done
absolutely nothing
2 weeks
to my prelims
am screwed
mime training is NOT easy can definitely not be completed in just 2 fucking weeks
face is rotting
pimples invading my face ever since group
and hasnt subsided
this must be the worst pimple outbreak i ever had
and the most stubborn
bot new cream and facial wash for acne
didnt work
want new clothes and shoes to dance in
but no money
want time to fix my blardy phone
no time
want to buy my crystal navel stud
no money either
wanna watch closer,a very long engagement,a series of unfortunate events,million dollar baby,ray,aviator
no money no time no company
i have been rambling so if u r still reading
well done
you are the world's most patient person
and i congratualate u
but all that i've just said
are lies
all but the previous sentence. (hopes i'm making sense)

if u didnt get it,i mean everything is true except the line "but all that i've just said are lies"

k. basically, i've finished blogging, and i'm back to tsd.

nene stop eating.

vane farted at 12:41 AM