oh happy boring munjun new year.
current obsession: still shopping...or rather i DESIRE to
current song: Michael Jackson's Heal The World
oh yes i'm a bit late but better late then never. anyway, i just realised how amazing his vocals are.
heh. am currently listening to "The Premiere Collection Encore" by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Sarah Brightman. amazing.
heh. played 10 rounds of bridge, 100 rounds of hearts, and another 10 rounds of pyramid. or it seems so.
mother told whole world except my father about navel piercing. (hey look, that includes my auntie, grandmother, grandaunt, cousins...and some other funny relatives.) wtf. then grandmother happily comes along asking me to take it out. sheesh. over my dead body. OVER MY DEAD BODY.
yes. am mad. as in angry-mad. furious. irritated.
since my mum hates my piercing so much, why does she seems as though she's showing off my piercing.
it's munjun new year and am supposed to not hold grudges.
not celebrating this year cos family in mourning.
so no house visits.
no mahjong.
no cards.
just me.
and maybe the tv and computer and the pile of homework for 2 days.
i want to shopppp
i want to swimmmm
aunt asks me to watch Internal Affairs one two three altogether with her tmr. heh. think i'll die.
oh god.
how boring is my life.
and i'm really in the "hate people" mode.
shall just indulge in myself.
"I think people believe in heaven because they dont like the idea of dying, because they want to carry on living and they dont like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish."
"..And in 1000years (after death) even his skeleton will be gone. But that is all right because he is a part of the flowers and the apple tree and the hawthorn bush now."
Enlightening quotes from The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night Time by Mark Haddon.
am halfway through it.
anyway, i actually think heaven is a fantasy. it is the same way people believe in ghosts. People want to believe there's life after death cos they afraid of death. It is like their fantasy to live be able to walk through walls, teleport etc etc and enjoy a good "life" in heaven.
heh. but then again, we'll never know if it's a fantasy or not.
just bought Brave New World by Aldous Huxely for $4 from a bookshop that's 4 times smaller than MPH (from which i could not find the book). well, it's ancient. but the cover is nice. and it's small and compactible. yay.
am gonna continue reading my books and continue hating the world.
bye fellow munjuns.
enjoy ur munjun-fied days.
while i indulge in munjun coloured bananas in chocolate.
munjun nenes.
current song: Michael Jackson's Heal The World
oh yes i'm a bit late but better late then never. anyway, i just realised how amazing his vocals are.
heh. am currently listening to "The Premiere Collection Encore" by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Sarah Brightman. amazing.
heh. played 10 rounds of bridge, 100 rounds of hearts, and another 10 rounds of pyramid. or it seems so.
mother told whole world except my father about navel piercing. (hey look, that includes my auntie, grandmother, grandaunt, cousins...and some other funny relatives.) wtf. then grandmother happily comes along asking me to take it out. sheesh. over my dead body. OVER MY DEAD BODY.
yes. am mad. as in angry-mad. furious. irritated.
since my mum hates my piercing so much, why does she seems as though she's showing off my piercing.
it's munjun new year and am supposed to not hold grudges.
not celebrating this year cos family in mourning.
so no house visits.
no mahjong.
no cards.
just me.
and maybe the tv and computer and the pile of homework for 2 days.
i want to shopppp
i want to swimmmm
aunt asks me to watch Internal Affairs one two three altogether with her tmr. heh. think i'll die.
oh god.
how boring is my life.
and i'm really in the "hate people" mode.
shall just indulge in myself.
"I think people believe in heaven because they dont like the idea of dying, because they want to carry on living and they dont like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish."
"..And in 1000years (after death) even his skeleton will be gone. But that is all right because he is a part of the flowers and the apple tree and the hawthorn bush now."
Enlightening quotes from The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night Time by Mark Haddon.
am halfway through it.
anyway, i actually think heaven is a fantasy. it is the same way people believe in ghosts. People want to believe there's life after death cos they afraid of death. It is like their fantasy to live be able to walk through walls, teleport etc etc and enjoy a good "life" in heaven.
heh. but then again, we'll never know if it's a fantasy or not.
just bought Brave New World by Aldous Huxely for $4 from a bookshop that's 4 times smaller than MPH (from which i could not find the book). well, it's ancient. but the cover is nice. and it's small and compactible. yay.
am gonna continue reading my books and continue hating the world.
bye fellow munjuns.
enjoy ur munjun-fied days.
while i indulge in munjun coloured bananas in chocolate.
munjun nenes.